About Critical Assessments
Critical Assessments is a professional organization consisting of highly trained state licensed psychologists with extensive experience in psychological testing, industrial and organizational consultation, Fitness for Duty assessments, forensic psychology and Continuous Behavioral Observation (CBO) Program Training. Originally operating under the name “The Stress Center, P.C.” for the past 37 years, we have provided psychological assessment and consulting services to over 50 nuclear power generation plants operating nationwide. Additionally, we provide similar services to small public safety organizations through some of the largest corporations in the nation with public and in house safety concerns.
Fitness for Duty
Substance Abuse Assessments​
Existing Employee Re-Assessments
We Serve a Wide Range of Industries
Our assessments have covered a wide range of potential and existing employees, ranging from general labor to engineers, from control room operators to IT and Cyber Security experts, from private pilots and flight mechanics, from fire fighters to EMS and EMT professionals, to body guards and private security personnel.